Silicone Breast implant removal surgery aims to remove the implant for women who have undergone a breast augmentation procedure and restores the shape of the breast, In this procedure either we replace the silicone implant with a new one or restore the breasts surgically to a normal youthful breast without silicone.
Who’s a candidate for silicone Implant removal
- Women seeking to enlarge or reduce breasts size
- Change from saline type implants to silicone.
- Women who wants to improve the shape of the breasts.
- If there’s a rupture or a leak of the silicone implant.
- If you suffer from discomfort and pain.
- Women who are worried about Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): While silicone breast implants are generally safe, there is a known risk of developing a rare type of lymphoma known as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This is a concern associated specifically with textured breast implants. BIA-ALCL is treatable, and the FDA provides guidelines for monitoring and addressing this risk.
- You feel your breasts are too heavy.
- Women suffering from Capsular contracture which became painful or distorting the breast shape.
Capsular contracture is a tightening of the scar tissue that forms around the breast implant. The scar tissue is normal and is known as the ‘capsule’, and the tightening is referred as ‘contracture’. This is also often known as ‘hardening’ of the breast due to breast implant surgery. Mild contractures can feel firm.
Women suffering from silicone Implant syndrome; These symptoms included fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, and cognitive issues. Some patients believed that their symptoms were related to silicone leakage or migration from the implants. However, scientific studies and reviews have not consistently supported a direct link between silicone breast implants and these symptoms
Breast implants are not permanent or lifelong implants and you may need to change them approximately every 10 to 15 years.
Before the procedure
Dr Mohamed Ashraf will explain your possible options and the type of procedure that suits your case and complain.
Routine labs will be required also an MRI or ultrasound might be done.
The Procedure
There is no typical procedure but our options would be any of the following or a combination. We tend to use previous scars to avoid having additional ones.
1- Silicone Implant replacement
The capsule is removed and a new silicone implant whether it’s the same size or a different size is usually inserted in new fresh plane (above or below the chest muscle). Like a normal breast augmentation procedure.
2- Silicone Implant removal only.
3- Silicone Implant removal and a breast lift.
4- Fat injection
The patient’s own fat maybe injected to the breast to restore volume, may be done as a solo procedure or in addition to any of the previous ones
First few days there maybe some swellings and bruises.
Pain killers and antibiotics will be prescribed.
Drains are usually inserted and removed in the first 2-4 days.
You’ll be asked to wear a medical bra for 2-3 weeks
The Patient can return to normal daily activity within 10 days after the procedure.
Breast implant removal results
For implant removal, the final results of the surgery depend on the size of the implant removed and the amount and quality of the remaining breast tissue.
The scar tissue surrounding the implant will play an important role in the overall outcome.