What is a thigh lift surgery

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure to resolve the cosmetic problem of saggy thighs that can make individuals feel self-conscious. The surgery removes excess fat and skin. restoring a firm and sculpted appearance to the thighs. Commonly performed for after weight reduction surgeries and for those who had massive weight loss.

If the problem is only due to excess fat, high definition Vaser liposuction would sufficient for your case with minimal scarring and a shorter recovery period.

Am I a candidate?

You may be a candidate for this procedure if you:

  • Have unwanted saggy skin and fat  along your thighs
  • had a stable weight in the past 6 months
  • Are in good general health
  • Have realistic expectations for your procedure

Types of Thigh Lift surgery

Inner thigh lift

Involves a horizontal incision in the groin area in the inner side of the thigh, usually done in patients presenting with mild sagging in the upper third of the thigh only.

Vertical thigh lift

When there’s moderate along the whole thigh, a vertical scar thigh lift on the inner side of the thigh is usually performed to trim excess skin and contour the whole thigh.

T shaped or L shaped scar thigh lift

This technique is mainly done after massive weight loss where there’s horizontal and vertical skin excess that needs to be addressed and trimmed for the desired contour.

Outer thigh lift

The incision (intended future scar) will be on the outer side of the thigh, usually done in combination with a belt lipectomy also known as a 360 tummy tuck procedure.

Lipo thigh lift

when we combine high definition liposuction with any of the above excision techniques.

thigh lift scar

The procedure

Before the procedure you’ll be instructed to stop any medications not discussed with Dr Mohamed Ashraf that may affect bleeding during the operation.

Photographs are taken, and markings are done while you’re awake in standing position.

General anesthesia or epidural could be done depending on the patient preference.

The procedure usually takes from 2-3 hours depending on the technique used for your case. You’ll be discharged from the hospital in the same day or one night stay is recommended in extended medial thigh lift scar technique.

Recovery from a thigh lift

Dr Mohamed Ashraf will place dressings and bandages along the incision lines. Draining tubes may be inserted to drain excess blood and fluids.

Pain medications and antibiotics will be prescribed. Special medical compression garments will be worn 24/7 for six weeks after the surgery.

You’ll be instructed to slightly elevate your legs 15 degrees at night to reduce the swellings that may occur.

Multiple follow up visits in the first 15 days should be attended

Wounds usually heal within 10-15 days.

You’ll be instructed to avoid exercise for the next 3-4 weeks.

Call our clinic in case of;

      • Wound separation
      • Sudden pain
      • Severe swelling in your legs
      • Fever


The results of the surgery are visible almost immediately, but it may take several weeks for your final results to fully develop. Over time, some visible scars will remain, but your results are long lasting, provided that you maintain a healthy diet and a stable weight.

Potential risks in thigh lift surgery

Before making your decision and committing to the thigh lift you should be aware of the potential risks and side effects of the procedure. Although major side effects are extremely rare, but minor side effects are not uncommon. The following side effects should be discussed with Dr Mohamed Ashraf during the procedure.

  • Infection and wound separation, it is not uncommon for the groin scar to get seperated due to moisture in the area.
  • Blood accumulation (hematoma)
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Widened scar formation or excessive scar formation (keloids)
  • Scar migration, by time scar sometimes migrate downward by gravity
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Numbness, usually temporary
  • Asymmetry
  • persistent edema, although very rare but its one of the most disabling side effects of the procedure.

Cost of thigh lift surgery

The price of thigh lift surgery in Egypt can vary widely depending on several factors;

  • The technique  and type of thigh lift required for your case
  • The surgeon fees according to his experience
  • The facility (hospital fees)
  • Anesthesiologist fee
  • Assistants fees
  • Compression garments
  • Dressings in follow-up visits and medications

You can always contact us for an appointment, video consultation or send us photos on whatsapp for an estimate quotation for your case.

We also offer different payment forms and installments with credit cards, Valu and premium card.

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